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Beaufort Little League Baseball

New User! How Do I Register?

We've created some instruction sets to help new users register for Little League!

Are you brand new to Beaufort Little League (BLL)? See this instruction set on how to register your player.

Do you want to add another parent/guardian to league/program emails? See this instruction set on how to add another user linked to your player.

What division do I sign my player up for?

Generally Little League divides players into 5 different divisions based on the player's age. Age is calculated based on the player's age as of August 31st, 2023. See the official Little League age calculator to find out your child's division.

General Age Brackets
T-Ball: 4-6 years old
Rookies: 7-8 years old
Minors: 9-10 years old
Majors: 11-12 years old
Intermediate: 12-13 years old
                                                                      Age Matrix

Experienced players may register to "play up" in a higher age division. However, placement is not guaranteed. If you think your player should be playing in a different division than they are placed in age wise please have a discussion with the Player Agent, the Coach and League President. Coaches have the final say on players' division placement.

What gear do we need to buy?

We suggest getting your player a glove, white pants and cleats. Other items are optional if you want your own helmet or bat. Teams have team bats, helmets, catchers gear, tees and balls.
Swap Meet
As a league, each spring we host a swap meet at "Skills Day" where you can donate the gear your player has out grown and pick up some gear in their current size. We have a number of gloves in all sizes and cleats (mostly small sizes). 
Dick's Sporting Goods Discount Weekend
Dick's is our perennial sponsor and they provide our families with a coupon for 20% off purchases during a certain weekend of the year right before spring ball. Typically this weekend falls on the same weekend as our "Skills Day." Please take advantage of this discount weekend when preparing for Spring ball.
2023 Dick's Discount weekend is February 17-20 (Friday through Monday).

Skills Day? What is that?

Come out to the ball park and have your player display their skills to prospective coaches. This is a crucial step in dividing players evenly amongst their age group's teams. Determining fair teams is important to us and helps to maintain the competitiveness and fun of the league.
Coaches will draft players following skills day, contact parents or guardians, and practices will start shortly after.

When are Practices?

In the Spring practice starts right after skills day. Skills Day helps us divide the players into teams and once that is done, we can start practicing and scheduling games

Practices are scheduled by the coach, with assistance from the board of directors and Carteret County for booking fields. Hopefully your coach has taken into account each players schedule, but be mindful that the coach is a volunteer and has a schedule of their own so they may only be able to hold practices on certain days. 

You can expect 1-2 weeknight games a week during the season. The game schedule comes out mid March. The board (usually President) creates the game schedule with input from the other leagues we play around the local area (Down East, Morehead, Newport, Havelock). He starts scheduling games once registration is complete and we know how many players and teams we'll have. Please be patient while this process is happening.

Google Calendar
We have a public google calendar that you can subscribe to! We try to keep it up to date, but keep in mind the most up to date info comes from your coach!
Subscribe and View HERE

Field Locations

The Fields are located at Freedom Park in Beaufort, North Carolina. Fields are numbered 1-3 from South to North.
Google Maps Link


Scheduling is one of the most difficult things about running the league and one of the most important. We have to coordinate fields between all of the BLL teams and coordinate with other leagues like Morehead Little League, Newport Little League, Havelock Little League and Down East. That said we try and have the schedule out mid to late March. 

Your coach is the best and most immediate source of information on your specific team schedule. 

The BLL Board has taken steps in the past few years to try to make the schedules online and more accessible. Here are a few ways to access it:

1) Currently, if you log in to your account on this website (sports connect), click on the calendar tab that will appear on the home screen. That should have all games and practices relevant to your account (even if you have multiple players)

2) We've integrated a master calendar on the public BLL google calendar. Most obviously, you can see this on the events tab on the home screen on the website (no need to log in). 

3) We've also integrated individual team calendars on the game changer app. 

Contact Us

Beaufort Little League Baseball

Freedom Park 
Beaufort, North Carolina 28516

Email Us: [email protected]
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