Scheduling is one of the most difficult things about running the league and one of the most important. We have to coordinate fields between all of the BLL teams and coordinate with other leagues like Morehead Little League, Newport Little League, Havelock Little League and Down East. That said we try and have the schedule out mid to late March.
Your coach is the best and most immediate source of information on your specific team schedule.
The BLL Board has taken steps in the past few years to try to make the schedules online and more accessible. Here are a few ways to access it:
1) Currently, if you log in to your account on this website (sports connect), click on the calendar tab that will appear on the home screen. That should have all games and practices relevant to your account (even if you have multiple players)
2) We've integrated a master calendar on the
public BLL google calendar. Most obviously, you can see this on the events tab on the home screen on the website (no need to log in).
3) We've also integrated individual team calendars on the game changer app.